Changing Border Color of Group Boxes in Visual C#

Recently i came across this frustrating problem that i cant change the color of the border of the group box which was ruining my whole theme so i researched a lot about it and it was hard to find a good reliable solution as there were a lot of threads about it.Here is one i found working perfectly:

In the solution explorer right click on the project root file, go to add and click on class.

Name the class whatever you want and paste this code in the .cs file
 using System;  
 using System.Collections.Generic;  
 using System.ComponentModel;  
 using System.Drawing;  
 using System.Data;  
 using System.Text;  
 using System.Windows.Forms;  
 namespace Sample2  
 private void GroupBoxTest_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)  
 public partial class GroupBoxTest : Form  
 myGroupBox.Text = "GroupBox1";  
 myGroupBox myGroupBox = new myGroupBox();  
 myGroupBox.BorderColor = Color.Red;  
 private Color borderColor;  
 public class myGroupBox : GroupBox  
 public Color BorderColor  
 get { return this.borderColor; }  
 set { this.borderColor = value; }  
 public myGroupBox()  
 Size tSize = TextRenderer.MeasureText(this.Text, this.Font);  
 this.borderColor = Color.Black;  
 protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)  
 Rectangle borderRect = e.ClipRectangle;  
 ControlPaint.DrawBorder(e.Graphics, borderRect, this.borderColor, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid);     
 borderRect.Y += tSize.Height / 2;  
 borderRect.Height -= tSize.Height / 2;  
 Rectangle textRect = e.ClipRectangle;  
 textRect.Width = tSize.Width;  
 textRect.X += 6;  
 textRect.Height = tSize.Height;  
 e.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(this.BackColor), textRect);  
 e.Graphics.DrawString(this.Text, this.Font, new SolidBrush(this.ForeColor), textRect);  

Actually what we did is we sub classed the "GroupBox" class as "myGroupBox".
After pasting the given code in the .cs file of the new class you added rebuild the project 

After a successful rebuild open the tool box and you will see a new GroupBox named as myGroupBox

Now place this GroupBox anywhere u want,go to its properties and under the miscellaneous section u will see a property "BorderColor".As u can see i changed the border color

Is Game Over for Apple?Who's the Mysterious 3rd Party that Helped FBI unlock San Bernardino Shooter's iPhone?

Since the San Bernardino shooting that killed 16 and left more than 24 injured, the encryption war between Apple and FBI has really been a drama ,A cyber drama if we may say.If you don't know about the whole incident you can read the full story here .


In the beginning FBI actually asked Apple to unlock the iPhone but Apple due to privacy matters
denied to corporate.In reaction to that FBI filed a case against them and the court ordered Apple to unlock the iPhone but Apple declined again.

Experts put forward a number of theories  such as "decapping ,replay attack and exploiting previously unknown security vulnerability" to access data on the iPhone

In the mean time,John McAfee  the founder of McAfee Antivirus came up with a way to unlock it
but his solution was only applicable when the data on the phone was not encrypted.Read full story here                     


On 28 March,The US Justice Department announced that they have accessed the iPhone and dropped the legal case against California based tech giant Apple.Watch what Apple CEO Tim Cook  said  about this:

Apple may have not liked it very much but this gave authorities the ability of accessing more information about more people around the world ,which may help them solve more cases and tackle crimes.FBI had so much of a hard time getting into San Bernardino shooter's iPhone that we can conclude  IT'S NOT EASY to access data in someone's iPhone.

With FBI being able to access iPhone now means they can easily access any iPhone


BUT a lot of other questions which are asked now like  WHO IS THE MYSTERIOUS 3RD PARTY THAT HELPED FBI  and specially "HOW"

Well the answer is FBI worked with an  Israeli Company CELLEBRITE to  unlock the iPhone .
Cellebrite is a company which manufactures data extraction, transfer and analysis devices for cellular phones and mobile devices.

The Company itself offered its assistance to hack into the iPhone but FBI has stated this to be "inaccurate"
The method used by FBI to unlock the iPhone is still a mystery and FBI has not released it publicly.


 FBI might be able to hack into iPhone and this may appear to be a defeat for Apple's security measures but the efforts made by US Justice department shows that no other law enforcement authority of Unites states and other countries will again force Apple to allow access to user data unless the case is relatively serious.

Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance has said that "there are 175 other iPhones we would like  Apple to unlock" and I think Apple has not helped to crack those and also will never help in future.It was just this case's potential exception that FBI and NSA cracked the iPhone and put Apple under pressure regarding this case.

 Apple will now most probably manufacture iPhones with such sophisticated security measures so that the next iPhone wont be cracked by any possible means.

Information Technology :Introduction and Scope in 2016

Photo Credits :Defence Images
Royal Navy Radar Operator in Opearation Room of a destroyer :Cutting Edge Information Systems

The evolutionary economics that started in 1980's played vital role in evolution of Information Technology.

1)   In the beginning Information Technology was just a tool used by people in their business                     organizations to manage their needs.
2)   IT was used to retrieve and transmit information and data.IT was also used to manipulate existing       data.
3)   IT was used in education department.It helped improve literacy rate because people wanted to              learn about the new tools of IT , its application ,how do they work etc etc.

Information technology helped a lot in development of human thinking which impacted our societies because IT is not about computers only, it involves medical, law, business, engineering, construction,food processing,health etc etc.IT professional work in all of these fields and many others too like speech therapies and psychology.

Photo Credits :angeline veeneman

 1)  Information Technology enabled us to better understand our problems.So it helped us to              plan better and enabled us make much better decisions.
2)   With the help of IT we are able to better manage our resources at any level.
3)   People from different countries and of different casts and colors experienced other people           and their opinions and helped them socialize better.IT has created cultural diversity.
4)   It has greatly improved efficiency rate of operations.

Photo Credits:Steve Jurvetson



Photo Credits :NASA Johnson

hardware part of IT can even make you a NASA flight engineer or you may also end up working for FBI cracking iphones(yes,that is also hardware part of IT) .Basically you will still be able to interact with the software side of things in your career  , you should have those skills.its a requirement sometimes.

google this :"Instruction Sets and Computer Architecture" 

Photo Credits :Martin Abegglen

Computer Networking is also another field related to both hardware and Software Information Systems.To become a network manager at a corporate business you will need specialization in this field and you may also have to learn some programming languages.Jobs related to network management are among the highest paying jobs in U.S and Europe.

When talking about the software side of things,there are two main fields here :

System software and Application Software:

Most of the electronic products available today in the market have some software running in them it may be System Software or Application Software.Teams who make these products are not all of the same field ,some of them are hardware engineers and some of them are software engineers .
Photo Credits :Steve Jurvetson

You might be one of them and your job will be to develop software for the particular hardware.

Photo Credits :Oficina de Software Libre y Conocimiento Abierto

These are the  two components upon which Information Technology divides its-self into various fields of study and one can find his/her career in any of those.

Google this :"Health Information Systems"

At the end of the day it comes down to this question :
Do you like technology ?
and are you passionate about it ?

if the answer to both the questions is Yes then you might do good in Information Technology otherwise, if you don't love IT ,you cant go far.

Sony PlayStaion VR launched : First Mainstream Virtual Reality Product is here.


So back in  June, 2015 Sony unveiled its plans about making a virtual reality headset and bringing it to mainstream market and it also showed a glimpse of it and demoed it live and presented it to press to cover the big big news.
Since then the social media has been digging those VR headsets and up-till now leaks and rumors about those headsets have been increased greatly of-course some of them were bogus but others were legit.

Sony- Project Morpheus (19701245783)
Photo Credit : Marco Verch


But at that stage there was not much to talk about the project because there were not enough demos  and also back in 2014 Virtual Reality as a whole was not  a real thing to notice and consider as a big deal.So in 2015 was the real deal for virtual reality.


the VR headset demoed in 2015 felt a lot easier and comfortable to wear and playing with it was alot more fun.
The 2014's product was not suitable for people who use glasses and the 2015's build was much easier to wear and use.It felt much better.
Photo Credits :James Whatley


The whole idea is to provide the user the best environment of the game and to make him feel that he is actually in the game and provide a great immersive experience so that he can feel similar emotions like the characters in the game and have sensations about his actual presence in that particular environment of the game that he is playing.


the games that they demoed had pretty simple and basic graphics simply because they didn't want to mess things up and also to achieve that high frame-rate.

The games that Sony has demoed  included "THE HEIST".its a fun game to play.Its a FPS game but much more intensive in controls such as u have to pick the magazines up if u want to re-lode and then put the magazine in your gun.u can duck behind a , u have to manually aim for the enemy character just like u point a gun to a person in real life.ITS JUST SO COOL.another game that they showed was based on an old arcade game called "BATTLE ZONE".Its also an FPS game but your in a tank this time.

Madrid Games Week, PlayStation VR, Madrid, España, 2015
Photo Credits: Benjamín Núñez González
PlayStation 4 console will project output to both the television and the VR headset.


the headset is $399 U.S , the PlayStation camera is around $50 and obviously the PlayStation 4 right now is selling for $350. 25$ each for the controllers.


these include famous developers such as Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd. and SEGA Games Co., Ltd. from JAPAN.
 2k Games and Warner Bros Entertainment Co., Ltd. from NORTH AMERICA.

UbiSoft and Crytek from EUROPE.

the PlayStation VR will be realeased in October 2016 cheers  :)

have a nice day ... ;)

John McAfee : Cyber Security Legend

Introduction :

Photo Credits : NullSession

John McAfee is basically a cyber security legend.John McAfee is an american hacker(computer programmer who's expertise are breaking through software security protocols to access sensitive information without having any access rights) who is also the founder of the company "McAfee Antivirus" John McAfee, is probably ,for some people, the most interesting man in the world.McAfee Antivirus has been around even before the internet and it is also among the oldest antivirus soft wares around.John McAfee made over $100 million from his company.

The World's first antivirus software company McAfee was later bought by Intel which we all might have already heard of. In short,Intel is world largest manufacturer of semiconductors.
Photo Credits :Martin Abegglen

He life after retirement from his company in 2007 has seen many ups and downs.He was arrested for corruption and disobeying federal laws.He spent some years in Belize where he faced some jail time but he got out from there ,people say he faked a heart attack there which led to his early release.Even after his return to the United States he faced many hardships most of them were legal issues.

The US government has accused him of hacking the government databases.He found out Prime Ministers involvement in extra judicial murders.Minister of National Defense involved in international human and drug trafficking.
  He was also arrested for these reasons.According to him the NSA is always watching him.He was offered many acres of land and many other benefits in return to paying the political party $2 million dollars for their election campaign which he refused to accept.He was later arrested at his house and his dog was shot dead in front of him.

John McAfee like fishing and he is also a scuba diver.

McAfee has been showing  "other" aspects of his personality lately mostly by the way he dresses and even in the the TV commercial where he shows "how to uninstall McAfee Antivirus".

John McAfee is also the owner of the FTC(Future Tense Central), a  company that he made.This company offers services like Internet Privacy and secure files and data sharing on the web.This company has also released Android and IOS platform applications like Chadder android app.Demonsaw is another desktop software from FTC that performs security for you in data sharing.
The company has also invested in health related apps like fetal beats.
D-Vasive Pro is also a great application that is basically anti-spy app for your WiFi computer accessories like mike , camera.

Cracking the iPhone :
John McAfee has been concerned about the ever so popular Apple vs FBI case.Hes been diving into the hot debates on televisions ever since this case became a thing.If you dont know about FBI vs Apples legal stand of you can check this link we have covered it too.

He gave his own method out to public and to FBI  about how they can crack the iphone. According to him cracking the phone needs two people involved ;

 1) a hardware engineer and

 2) a software engineer.

The Hardware Engineer
The hardware engineer disassembles the phone and then he copies the instruction set ;
Instruction set is defined as the computer architecture related to programming which basically tells the models that the computer follows to perform core tasks like I/O interrupt handling, registers , memory addressing etc.And then a software converts all the instructions into readable code.

The Software Engineer :
The software engineer's job is to analyze that code to find the first keypad input of password.Once he finds out the first input.He then works to locate that input in the memory of the iphone(instruction set).

Quotes from John McAfee :

John McAfee Def Con (14902350795) (cropped)
Photo Credits :By NullSession from Bettendorf, Iowa, United States (John McAfee @ Def Con) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

“I do not want to live in a society where everything is known. That creates chaos and conflict and arguments.”

Space Exploration:Top 5 Earth-like planets

 The answer to the question that whether humans will ever get to live on another planet is long awaited by so many enthusiasts around the globe.

NASA’s Program to Colonize Mars:

The NASA’s program to send humans to mars by “one way ticket” is a progress in the answer to that same old question but its more of an experiment thing and humans selected to send up there are no normal humans. Many of them are pilots and some commandos type of people etc. Also they are not going to live up there freely like we do here, like sleeping on comfy beds and having morning walks, and enjoying delicious foods. Instead they will live in scary type of cave like compartments separated from each other(not all the time) and they will be fed special type of food only and also there’s not much to do up there. Don’t forget that they’re not going to be wearing any fancy outfits up there since all the parties are down here. Which means same old astronaut suits almost all the time. Life will be crazy messed up that way and no one wants to live up there that way and the famous memes “I don’t want to live on this planet anymore” and “time to leave Earth” etc. etc. will have no meaning at all because life up there at least right now is not any better than it is on Earth.

But don’t be so quick to judge because there are some if not many Earth like planets out there that may support life just as it is down here .Animals ,small insects ,mammals etc. and their suitable habitats. Houses, roads, cars, kids, cats and so on .Everything that is required to make a healthy environment that make us feel right at home is what we want.
                                Photo Credits:NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

And Most importantly A sun and a moon, (if we’re lucky) also a strong ozone layer. Healthy breathable gases are a must. Rivers, oceans, seas might make a good picnic spot after a long tiring weak of working in the corn fields speaking of which we must know that food supplies shouldn’t be “imported” from the original Earth. The new planet should have fertile soil too. (Is that too much to ask??).

                                                   Photo Credits :United Soybean Board
Earth's siblings should look like this at some places.

"The point is if there was a planet so similar to earth, living things might already be existing up there and I don’t think they would like any outsiders."

 Before I tell you about the planets let me tell you some basic stuff.


Kepler is an observatory spacecraft.  Its mission is to search and discover earth-like planets. Kepler was launched by NASA in March 2009.Its named after a mathematician Johannes Kepler. It’s a low cost spacecraft and also its research abilities are limited but overtime it has made enough research and discoveries.
                        photo credits:  NASA Blueshift

ESI or Earth Similarity Index:

This is assessment measure that has many parameters, made to ascertain how close a planet is habitable as compared with earth. Its scale starts from zero and ends with one.

This equation from wikipedia tells earth similarity index.

Habitable Zone:

Kepler’s mission is to search the planets(stars) within the habitable zone. Habitable zone is the area in space where heat and other environmental conditions are normal and has atmosphere that can support life.Also habitable zone reflects the fact that every planet in the habitable zone could have liquid water on its surface.
Photo Credits:  Penn State

Kepler 438b:

Kepler 438b has an ESI score of 0.88.However due to its active parent star high speed solar winds blow on this planet all the time which makes this planet's atmosphere not so habitable for life.

Kepler 296e :

Kepler 296e is facing high radions emissions.But it has a good score of 0.85.Kepler 296e is 1.7 times earth's mass.

Kepler 296f
This planet has earth similarity index of 0.78 it belongs to the same habitable zone of Kepler 296e.The planet Kepler 296 is revolving around this planet which completes each cycle in almost 64 days.

Kepler 22b :
                                                    Photo credits :gustavdiesel
This is kepler 22b. This planet was under observation since 2009 but it was officially announced as 'discovered' in December 2011.Kepler 22b is huge.Its radius is more than 2 times that of Earth.

Kepler 442b:

Kepler 442b has an ESI of 0.84.This planet resembles Earth so closely that scientists are expecting to discover complex life on this planet.

Samsung Galaxy S7 /S7 edge Vs LG G5 : Features Comparison

The LG G5 and the Samsung galaxy S7 / S7 edge are the new great smartphones of 2016.These industry leading smartphones were announced last month (February) and they will be released this month(march).Many people will be buying these phones but which phone is the right one for you? we will  help You in your buying decision.
The All New LG G5 looks very different from last year's G4



 The LG's  G5 features a modular design  meaning it is advancement of googles project which  takes smartphone customization to extreme level's.
 U can install a new camera module.
 u can also replace the regular speakers with a much more powerful ones.
 Even the battery is replaceable.
 a dual camera on the back is also a fancy new addition.
 G5 also has a finger print scanner on the back of the phone


Samsung's Galaxy s models have always been packing industry leading hardware and software.

This year the new S models are more of refinement than innovation. The new  edge model has unique curve display.
Unlike LG's G5 , they are water and dust proof  and have higher protection ratings of IP68 . 
Colling mechanism is also there in Samsung Galaxy s7 models.It has  heat dissipation pipes that drive heat out of the phone.
Additionally,the new S models have sd card slot which was absent from last years models.

Apple's Legal Standoff With FBI



As the events unfolded:

On December 2, 2015, 14 people were killed and 22 were seriously injured when  Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, a married couple opened fire in a public health training program in San Bernardino, California.

 Tashfeen Malik and Rizwan Farook

After shooting there the couple fled the scene .Pursued by cops after four hours the couple was shot dead. On December 6 after an investigation carried out by FBI, president Obama stated the unfortunate event as an act of terrorism.

The rented SUV the couple used to fled the scene
The interesting thing about the shooters was that,they were not connected to any organization nor someone else motivated them to do so. FBI investigators have said that Farook and Tashfeen had become radicalized over several years prior to the attack, consuming poison on the internet and expressing a commitment to jihadism and martyrdom in private messages to each other.

FBI's row with Apple :

Both Farook and Tashfeen died in that SUV during shootout with police. When situation was controlled and investigation started police found an iPhone 5C in the SUV in which Farook and Tashfeen were killed. The information on that phone was off course very critical but the iPhone was Pin code protected. In order to access the data in its storage, calls ,emails etc FBI asked Apple to develop a new software to gain access to data in the phone but Apple denied due to its policy to never undermine the security features of its products.

Back Story :

The Clipper Chip :

In 1993, the National Security Agency (NSA) introduced the Clipper chip, an encryption device with an acknowledged backdoor for government access, that NSA proposed be used for phone encryption. The proposal touched off a public debate, known as the Crypto Wars, and the Clipper chip was never adopted.


Revealing of Classified Information by Edward Snowden :

It was revealed as a part of the 2013 mass surveillance disclosures by Edward Snowden that the NSA and the British Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) had access to the user data in iPhones, BlackBerrys, and Android phones and could read almost all smartphone information, including SMS, location, emails, and notes.

Apple's Reaction to Edward Snowden's disclosures :

According to The New York Times , Apple developed a new encryption method for its iOS operating system, versions 8 and later, "so deep that Apple could no longer comply with government warrants asking for customer information to be extracted from devices". Throughout 2015, prosecutors argued for the U.S. government to be able to compel decryption of iPhone contents.

New Security Details in iOS 9 :

In September 2015, Apple released a white paper detailing the security measures in its then-new iOS 9 operating system. The iPhone 5C model can be protected by a four-digit PIN code. After more than ten incorrect attempts to unlock the phone with the wrong PIN, the contents of the phone will be rendered unaccessible by erasing the AES encryption key that protects its stored data. According to the Apple white paper, iOS includes a Device Firmware Upgrade (DFU) mode, and that "[r]estoring a device after it enters DFU mode returns it to a known good state with the certainty that only unmodified Apple-signed code is present.

 Legal Standoff and Court Orders :


Apple's Denial to FBI :

When FBI first asked Apple to create a program to pass through the security of the phone, Apple declined it.Then FBI requested a federal judge to  issue a court order, mandating Apple to create and provide the requested software .


Response to Court Order :

Apparently that order was not subpoena, but rather was issued under the All Writs Act of 1789 which in legal meaning was not so effective. So Apple declined the court order, citing the security risks that the creation of a backdoor would pose towards their customers. It also stated that no government had ever asked for similar access. 


Apple CEO Tim Cook's Statement:

On February 16, 2016, Apple chief executive officer Tim Cook released the following statement to his customers:

"The United States government has demanded that Apple take an unprecedented step which threatens the security of our customers. We oppose this order, which has implications far beyond the legal case at hand. This moment calls for public discussion, and we want our customers and people around the country to understand what is at stake"
Tim Cook made clear they were opposing court orders just for the data security of their customers.

Another Option Given to Apple :

In response to the opposition, on February 19, 2016, the U.S. Department of Justice filed a new application urging a federal judge to compel Apple to comply with the order. The new application stated that the company could install the malware on the phone in its own premises, and after the FBI had hacked the phone via remote connection, Apple could remove and destroy the malware .

What's Next:

Currently the case is going on. Apple has hired attorneys Ted Olson and Theodore J. Boutrous Jr. to fight the order on appeal.
According to the Wall Street Journal Google parent company Alphabet and Facebook are preparing to file a motion backing Apple.
Many technology giants are working on a joint submission against the government demands.
Google will also file its brief soon.
 Microsoft being not so responsive at first, now planning to file an amicus brief too.
So let's see what happens next.

Self Driving Cars of 2016

Interior of a google car in testing phase

In this post ,today, i will talk about where the self driving cars stand today.Well , to be general this new industry in not "all that new" because after all they are still vehicles and they still are no new manufacturers but same old renowned names.

            " But what surprises us  most is what this new software technologies can do and how far AI(artificial intelligence ) has come. "

As a mature tech enthusiast  i am thoroughly impressed by what we see in these new genre of cars but new cars are still awaited to color this newborn department of cars. 

for some self driving cars are all about luxury and human benefit but cars as we know well are much more than just luxury .They are a statement of style and your car  helps to tell what type of a person you are.We have been seeing many new cars with self driving capabilities in the past.

Google's self driving car from early 2015 uses following devices to drive by its self:

on the front  there are   3 radars and there is also one on the back that determines  objects and their distance.

there is a camera inside the car(mounted on rear view mirror) that basically works with the computer , telling it moving objects near the car like pedestrians and other stuff like traffic signals.

A rotating sensor on top of the car(LIDAR) that is meant to scan the surroundings and generate a real time 360 degree map for the computer.

to help more with accuracy there is another sensor on-board that senses the movement of the car and reports the computer to update the map of surroundings.

other tech included is :

A GPS receiver  and

an inertial motions sensor

but no matter how much we talk about the awesomeness of this vehicle ,this is just an early development model and also road accidents involving this vehicle are reported multiple times.

but there are other cars and some concept cars ,even trucks that are fully equipped with this technology and have made it to mainstream automobiles market. some of them are follows :

In addition to other features TESLA MOTOR'S  MODEL S has a special 
AUTOPILOT mode .It uses similar type of technologies to function autopilot mode.

to make model s' self driving mode reliable and robust ,Tesla had to cut some corners in its self driving abilities firstly

this vehicle is not truly "self driving car" as it can't self drive on all roads and scenarios .

autopilot mode works only on American highways.

 It can automatically change lanes

It can increase or decrease speed according to current lane.

After a software update MODEL S is now able to park itself automatically.
