The answer
to the question that whether humans will ever get to live on another planet is long
awaited by so many enthusiasts around the globe.
Program to Colonize Mars:
The NASA’s program to send humans to mars by “one way ticket”
is a progress in the answer to that same old question but its more of an
experiment thing and humans selected to send up there are no normal humans.
Many of them are pilots and some commandos type of people etc. Also they are not
going to live up there freely like we do here, like sleeping on comfy beds and
having morning walks, and enjoying delicious foods. Instead they will live in
scary type of cave like compartments separated from each other(not all the time) and they will be
fed special type of food only and also there’s not much to do up there. Don’t
forget that they’re not going to be wearing any fancy outfits up there since
all the parties are down here. Which means same old astronaut suits almost all
the time. Life will be crazy messed up that way and no one wants to live up
there that way and the famous memes “I don’t want to live on this planet
anymore” and “time to leave Earth” etc. etc. will have no meaning at all because life up there at least right now is not any better than it is on Earth.
But don’t be so quick to judge because there are some if not many
Earth like planets out there that may support life just as it is down here
.Animals ,small insects ,mammals etc. and their suitable habitats. Houses,
roads, cars, kids, cats and so on .Everything that is required to make a
healthy environment that make us feel right at home is what we want.
And Most importantly A sun and a moon, (if we’re lucky) also a strong ozone layer. Healthy breathable gases are a must. Rivers, oceans, seas might make a good picnic spot after a long tiring weak of working in the corn fields speaking of which we must know that food supplies shouldn’t be “imported” from the original Earth. The new planet should have fertile soil too. (Is that too much to ask??).
Earth's siblings should look like this at some places.
"The point is if there was a planet so similar to earth,
living things might already be existing up there and I don’t think they would
like any outsiders."
Before I tell you about the planets let me tell you some basic stuff.
photo credits: NASA Blueshift
ESI or
Earth Similarity Index:
This is assessment measure that has many parameters, made to
ascertain how close a planet is habitable as compared with earth. Its scale
starts from zero and ends with one.
This equation from wikipedia tells earth similarity index.
Habitable Zone:
Kepler’s mission is to search the planets(stars) within the
habitable zone. Habitable zone is the area in space where heat and other
environmental conditions are normal and has atmosphere that can support life.Also habitable zone reflects the fact that every planet in the habitable zone could have liquid water on its surface.
Photo Credits: Penn State
Kepler 438b:
Kepler 438b has an ESI score of 0.88.However due to its active parent star high speed solar winds blow on this planet all the time which makes this planet's atmosphere not so habitable for life.
Kepler 296e :
Kepler 296e is facing high radions emissions.But it has a good score of 0.85.Kepler 296e is 1.7 times earth's mass.
Kepler 296f
This planet has earth similarity index of 0.78 it belongs to the same habitable zone of Kepler 296e.The planet Kepler 296 is revolving around this planet which completes each cycle in almost 64 days.
Kepler 22b :
This is kepler 22b. This planet was under observation since 2009 but it was officially announced as 'discovered' in December 2011.Kepler 22b is huge.Its radius is more than 2 times that of Earth.
Kepler 442b:
Kepler 442b has an ESI of 0.84.This planet resembles Earth so closely that scientists are expecting to discover complex life on this planet.